Putting an End to Procrastination

Productivity and consistent habits are essential components to building the life you want, whether that’s graduating from school, obtaining that career milestone, improving relationships, or excelling at a sport or craft. Many people have an idea of what they want to achieve in their lives and what steps are needed to obtain this, whether that’s more reading, writing, cleaning, exercising, or eating better. However, despite our best efforts to plan and organize our tasks and responsibilities, we may have trouble executing them and being as productive as we would like. The tasks are challenging, we’re overwhelmed with stress, we don’t know where to start, or we just simply hate having to do the thing that needs to get done. Not to mention we may have unhelpful habits that are making things harder than they need to be. We know what we want, we’re motivated, and yet we stall on making progress. It can be a frustrating experience.
You have trouble with motivation.
You engage in procrastination often; procrastination feels compulsive and virtually uncontrollable.
You know what kind of daily habits would benefit your life, but you have difficulty sticking to them consistently.
You have trouble with focus or staying on track with goals.
You want to optimize your days and be more efficient with your time.
You feel like you are constantly working and still not accomplishing enough.
Your need for perfectionism and desire to not make mistakes stall productivity.

Dr. Yu doesn't view procrastination or low motivation as "laziness" or "irresponsibility," but instead, he understands that it is a legitimate way to manage stress, worries, and fears. Thus, he provides a compassionate and nonjudgmental space for you to explore how your thoughts, emotions, and stressors affect your productivity, and then provides tangible and practical mental tools and behavioral skills that you can start applying immediately. These include strategies to improve goal-setting, organization, and motivation. He can facilitate your ability to establish helpful habits so that certain actions can potentially become so automatic that you hardly have to think about it.
You just do it.
Dr. Yu focuses on connecting you to your values to increase your understanding and drive about why you might strive for certain goals, even though they can be difficult and uncomfortable. Dr. Yu not only teaches strategies on “what” to do in order to improve productivity, but he also teaches “how” to do it, especially when times get tough, such as when you are stressed, motivation is dwindling, or outside events are making life harder than it normally is. Dr. Yu can also facilitate your capacity to tolerate the distress and discomfort that comes from when you are challenging yourself, so that you stay connected to the actions and habits you want, rather than resorting to procrastination.
At the same time, Dr. Yu works on identifying parts of your life and routine that can be made easier and simplified so that your motivation has room to flow. And as much as Dr. Yu wants to promote your productivity, he is also mindful of burnout. He recognizes that productivity is not everything central to one’s life and self-esteem. So, in addition to guidance on how to be productive, Dr. Yu can help cultivate your capacity for self-compassion and willingness to make space for breaks, rest, and recreation.
Productivity and Habit Formation services can be provided to individuals or groups/organizations. Please see the General Info & Rates page for more information or contact Dr. Yu today.